“Youth and You” for Outstanding Public Service by a Regional Station
WDAR Radio
With the public service program, You And Youth, radio station WDAR has not only contributed wisely and helpfully to problems of juvenile delinquency, but has provided a program pattern which has attracted much favorable notice over a wide area, and which can, with profit, be studied and adapted by other broadcasters. In the language of Focus, official organ of the National Probation and Parole Association, “When the report of a probation department arouses the interest of the press, it must be newsworthy. When radio commentators digress from rumors of war to talk about a case history, the report must be exciting. But when the chief probation officer is invited to present a series of 13 weekly radio programs on youth, based on the report, then we know some good work must have been done.” The story of You And Youth can well be the story of every community in America.? Originally planned as a 13-week series, You And Youth at the end of 1948 was in the fiftieth week, and the favorable response was paralleling the lengthening span of the series. In favorable recognition thereof and with a special word of commendation to James C. Milligan, chief probation officer of the Juvenile Court of Chatham County, Georgia, the George Foster Peabody Radio Award for outstanding public service by a local station is hereby awarded to WDAR of Savannah, Georgia.