The Empty Grave of Comrade Bishop

The Washington Post

More than 40 years ago, Grenadian prime minister Maurice Bishop was executed alongside three members of his cabinet and four supporters. Days later, the United States invaded the Caribbean nation. The Marxist leader’s remains, and those of the seven other revolutionaries killed alongside him, were never found. The Empty Grave of Comrade Bishop investigates this national mystery on its own terms, by drawing on the voices of the people most affected by it—family members of the victims, as well as other Grenadians who lived through the era. The series presents an impressive trove of archival material, elucidating the ever-relevant international stakes of American imperialism and Black liberation. For weaving an intimate chronicle of this pivotal, enduring chapter in Caribbean history, The Empty Grave of Comrade Bishop wins a Peabody Award.


Creator: Martine Powers, Ted Muldoon, Rennie Svirnovskiy. Senior Producer: Ted Muldoon. Producer: Rennie Svirnovskiy. Editor: Sarah Childress, Renita Jablonski. Talent or Reporter/Correspondent: Martine Powers, Ted Muldoon, Rennie Svirnovskiy. Photography: Jabin Botsford. Series Art: Lucy Naland. Project Editor: KC Schaper. Mix Editing: Theo Balcomb. Sound/Music: Keshav Chandradath Singh, Ted Muldoon.