Winner 1986


CBS Entertainment, Garner-Duchow Productions

When the Hallmark Hall of Fame label is applied to a contemporary television production knowledgeable viewers recognize that this means quality of the first order. The two hour presentation of Promise on the CBS Television network proved to be a first rate example of the kind of quality this label has come to denote. Featuring James Garner, James Woods and Piper Laurie. Promise developed the compelling trials of a man who sought to fulfill a promise he made to his mother when he was only twenty one. Thirty years later he is called upon to undertake the continuing care of his schizophrenic brother. At middle age, and essentially carefree, he is faced with the challenge of maturity. For a sensitive, exceptional production which does immense credit to both those who perform as well as to Producer/Director Glenn Jordan and Producer/Author Richard Friedenberg, a Peabody Award to Promise.