Personal Award: Julian Goodman
NBC Television
Julian Goodman, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of NBC, has been selected for a special award for long years of dedicated service to the broadcasting industry. This is the highest distinction within the parameters of the Peabody Charter. An endless catalogue in support of this award could be developed. Julian Goodman emerged from the ranks of a newsman to the highest position of corporate management. Julian Goodman, however, never lost sight of fundamental media values. He was concerned with technology, but more importantly, with the quality of program product. He provided leadership in the development of improved children’s programs. But of primary significance was his continued preoccupation with the freedoms of broadcast journalism. He has been a gallant gladiator in the crusade for broadcasting’s public responsibilities. Julian Goodman would forego no opportunity to further this crusade in the Halls of Congress, on the campus and any other available forum. The Peabody Board takes special pride in awarding Julian Goodman the highest recognition for his record of magnificent stewardship of the important public trust which he has so ably fulfilled.