New York City School Corruption
Amid all the media hype of satellite uplinks, spectacular weather graphics and news anchors known more for their on-camera looks than for their journalistic abilities, WCBS-TV reminds us that personal investigative journalism is still the core of a successful news operation. In 1995, reporter Marcia Kramer, under the leadership of executive producers Jerry Nachman, Bill Carey and producer Pattie Aronofsky, uncovered and reported rampant corruption in the nation’s largest public school system. Starting with a single report of corruption at a warehouse storing the city’s school supplies, Ms. Kramer and the WCBS-TV news team documented a complex web of organized crime – including a triple murder – and brought the facts to light. Their reports extended beyond school supplies to lax school security and corruption in school cafeterias. For tenacious and heroic local investigative reporting, a Peabody is present to WCBS-TV for New York City School Corruption.