Gaumont Television
This French mystery thriller series is inspired by the adventures of Arsene Lupin, who was created by French author Maurice Leblanc in 1907. But in this modern version, gentleman thief Assane Diop (Omar Sy), in the mold of Cary Grant in To Catch a Thief, sets out to avenge his father for an injustice inflicted by a wealthy family.
Creators: George Kay. Showrunner: George Kay. Producers: Isabelle Degeorges, Nathan Franck, Martin Jaubert, Sidonie Dumas, Christophe Riandee, Omar Sy, Louis Leterrier. Directors: Ludovic Bernard, Xavier Gens, Daniel Grou. Writers: George Kay, Maurice Leblanc, François Uzan, Florent Meyer, Tigran Rosine, Marie Roussin, Tony Saint, Nathan Franck, Louis Penicaut, Kam Odedra, Adam Usden. Editors: Jean-Daniel Fernandez Qundez, Audrey Simonaud, Romain Rioult, Matthilde Carlier. Talent: Omar Sy, Ludivine Sagnier, Soufiane Guerrab, Etan Simon. Cinematography: Maxime Cointe, Nicolas Massart. Composer: Mathieu Lamboley.