Institutional Award : WWJ Radio, “Meet Your Congress,” “The Best Weapon,” “Protect YOur Child,” “The World Forum,” for Public Service by a Regional Station
WWJ Radio
In at least four program series, Station WWJ has shown an admirable appreciation of the social responsibilities of broadcasters. Protect Your Child was an intelligent approach to the problem of sex crimes. The Best Weapon dealt quickly and wisely, but not alarmingly, with a polio epidemic. Meet Your Congress brought representatives and those represented closer together in an understanding of problems and issues of joint interest. And, in similar fashion, The World Forum carried listeners beyond national horizons to a better understanding of world affairs. Largely responsible for all these, and other programs of a similar character, was Don De Groot, Public Affairs Manager of WWJ. With a bow to him, and congratulations to the management of the station, the George Foster Peabody Radio Award for outstanding public service by a regional station is, therefore, hereby presented to WWJ of Detroit, Michigan.