Institutional 1985

Institutional Award: WGBH Radio for Overall Programming and Its Leadership in State-of-the-Art Broadcasting

WGBH Radio

WGBH Radio has an audience of nearly 350,000 listeners each week. This means that it is one of the most listened-to public radio stations in the United States. But the size of the audience was not what impressed members of the Peabody Board as they considered awards this year. The overall programming of WGBH Radio caught the Board’s attention. Live broadcasts highlight each day’s offering. Programs such as Morning Pro Musica, Music America, Eric in the Evening, and Folk Heritage contribute to the overall excellence. But even beyond the programming, which itself bespeaks quality, WGBH Radio insures that the quality of the signal is as good as it can be. By pioneering digital recording and transmission to produce a better quality sound, the station places itself as one of the most outstanding public radio stations in the United States. For its preeminence, a Peabody Award.