Nominee 2021

Half Vaxxed

WHYY and Billy Penn

This WHYY series tells the riveting story of a 22-year-old with no healthcare experience who talked his way into a COVID-19 vaccine distribution deal in hopes of making millions. Instead, his company collapsed, leaving thousands waiting for vaccines that never came. This podcast considers how he ended up with so much power and whether he was a scam artist—or a mere incompetent opportunist.


Network/Station/Platform:  WHYY. Executive Producers: Gabriel Coan and Sandra Clark. Producer:  Buffy Gorrilla. Lead Editor:  Katie Colaneri. Editors:  Joanne McLaughlin, Danya Henninger, Maiken Scott, John Sheehan. Reporters/Correspondents:  Nina Feldman, Alan Yu, Max Marin. Engineer:  Charlie Kaier. Theme Music:  Max Marin.