Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam
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To many Americans, the Vietnam war remains an open wound. Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam conveys the American experience in Vietnam from the perspective of those who were there. By interweaving authentic letters from our men and women in Southeast Asia with chronological footage of events in “‘Nam” and “the world,” the program evokes memories of the Vietnam period with stunning clarity and emotional impact. Produced by Bill Couturie and Thomas Bird and directed by Bill Couturie, the work features readings by some of America’s premiere artists and performers, including Robert DeNiro, Michael J. Fox, Kathleen Turner and Robin Williams. But stars are not the story here: the power of Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam comes from those who chronicled the Vietnam experience in the hootches and field hospitals, from the LZ’s to the firebases. For capturing America in Vietnam in a stunning and evocative eyewitness narrative, a Peabody Award to Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam.