Coup d#8217;Etat: The Week That Changed the World
Turner Multimedia
Using the resources of Cable News Network, Turner Multimedia is a tool by which classroom teachers can bring history to life. “Coup D’Etat: The Week That Changed The World” provides educators with the kind of deep background on events in the former Soviet Union that was previously impossible to access and use. Extraordinary research and interpretation were brought to bear to introduce students to the coup plotters, as well as the new Russian leadership. Included with the video materials are excellent instructional resources, from a useful teacher’s guide to innovative curricular materials. For providing a model of the implementation of video resources in the classroom, and for producing one of the most compelling documentaries of 1991 on events in the former Soviet Union, a Peabody to Turner Multimedia for “Coup D’Etat: The Week That Changed The World.”
Executive Producer: Jay Suber.