“Cavalcade of America” for Outstanding Entertainment in Drama
NBC Radio
Outstanding Entertainment in Drama. In the field of drama, Cavalcade Of America has made an endearing place for itself in the hearts of the people. Here is a program that brings home to us the best exploits of our contemporary history. Its choice of actors is unerring and in such performances as Take Her Down, which starred Clark Gable on his first appearance after leaving the Army, Report From The Pacific, which made us proud of Bob Hope and his entire troupe, and Autobiography of an Angel, the story of an Army nurse so brilliantly portrayed by Helen Hayes, has given a fresh emphasis to that old word, Americana. Cavalcade” has caught the very spirit of America. Special credit should go to Arthur Pryor of Batten, Barton, Durstine and Osborne, who has given special supervision to the program during its more than four hundred performances, and to William Hart of the DuPont Corporation, who has been attentive to its style and substance.