“Legislative Heights” for Public Service by a Local Station
KXLJ Radio
The place of the local station in the broadcasting world is such that it can render a public service somewhat different from that of the regional station or network. Many of our several hundred smaller stations are taking advantage of this peculiar opportunity, but none did a better job in 1949 than KXLJ of Helena, Montana, with its Legislative Highlights, an effective coverage of the state legislature while in session. To the contemporary value of such a program has been added the historical, in that transcriptions were presented to the state library, and a book suitable for school and library use, was published. For this splendid example of democracy in action, through the medium of broadcasting, the George Foster Peabody Radio Award for outstanding public service by a local station is hereby presented, with the reminder that the small station, like the small town is as vital to the welfare of a democracy as the network and the metropolis.