Fuse Media
“Indivisible” tells the compelling story of Renata, Evelyn and Antonio, three DACA recipients or Dreamers whose courage, hope, and activism matter in the fight over immigration. The film is an intimate portrait of heartbreak and determination, disappointment and victory, as they navigate confusing policy, bad faith on the part of politicians, and emotional trauma of family separation. Linking the abstract language of immigration policy and the passion of the deportation debates with the quotidian personal lives of the students and their families, the documentary effectively contrasts the intimate and precarious situation facing the DACA recipients and their families with the instrumental world of politicians, politics and public policy. “Indivisible” amplifies what is at stake not only for Renata, Evelyn, and Antonio, their families and their communities, but for all of us. It shows in powerful emotional and social registers the interdependence and interconnection of communities despite our citizenship status. While the setbacks are disappointing and frustrating, the indefatigable persistence of the Dreamers is inspirational for their communities, supporters, and for the viewer. For telling a story about courage, action, and hope that beckons and invites each of us to stand with DACA recipients on the side of social justice, families, and futures, “Indivisible” wins a Peabody Award.
Director: Hilary Linder. Co-Producers: Hilary Linder, Sally Linder, Bob Linder, Morgan Macdonald, Courtney Macdonald, Reed Huegerich, Bryn Huegerich. Executive Producers: Kestrel Linder, John Madsen, Lisa Steele. Editor: Laura Franco Velasco. Cinematographer: Hilary Linder. Production company: Kudzu Films LLC. Music Consultants: Music Box Licensing, Alexandra Williams. Music Courtesy of: AudioJungle, Audio Network, Killer Tracks, Music Box Licensing.